Here are some statistics about my cigars and smoking.
These are 'live' statistics, drawn from an BaseRow database, so when I add scores, smoke a cigar, or when any other data changes, the stats will change accordingly. To compensate for one-hit wonders, cigars or brands that I have smoked less than 5 of, are filtered out. If/when BaseRow someday implements charts, I may add some more nice visuals.
Anyhow, don't take this section too seriously - it's just for fun!
Despite its size, the 'Digger' is a perfectly constructed cigar, with an impeccable, dark, leathery and oily wrapper, and notes of sweet chocolate, some earthy hummus, and spicy wood. In short: it's a cigar you have to try at least once!
The Alec Bradley Black Market treats us with notes of earthy spice, creamy cocoa, and a hint of sweet cedar, leaving nothing to be desired.
The CAO Zócalo Toro delivers a rich, earthy flavor with hints of dark chocolate, coffee and sweet pepper, making it a robust and satisfying smoke.
In 1998, Alan Rubin teamed up with Ralph Montero, a prominent cigar professional. They employed Davidoff's master blender, Henke Kelner, to create the Occidental Reserve, the response proved that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and that pushed them to continue to develop cigars that they and others have been excited to smoke. - Cigar Century
Made by Oliva, Nub Cigars started as a theory. A cigar maker was hell-bent on proving he could capture the essence - the core - of a cigar's flavor immediately upon lighting and throughout the duration of the cigar. You hit the sweet spot right away with Nub cigars. Nub offers you a variety of wrappers while using premium Nicaraguan tobaccos in every cigar. . - Cigar Century
"55 years ago, we pioneered an industry by crafting the first cigars to ever come out of Nicaragua. We are thriving, like never before, thanks to our people and the discerning palates of cigar enthusiasts everywhere. For us, quality is not an obligation, it is our highest commitment." - Joya Cigars
"Macanudo is synonymous with quality and expertise in the premium cigar industry. For the social, the solo or even the unexpected moments, there’s a Macanudo cigar perfect for the occasion." - Macanudo
Made by Oliva, Nub Cigars started as a theory. A cigar maker was hell-bent on proving he could capture the essence - the core - of a cigar's flavor immediately upon lighting and throughout the duration of the cigar. You hit the sweet spot right away with Nub cigars. Nub offers you a variety of wrappers while using premium Nicaraguan tobaccos in every cigar. . - Cigar Century
Nicaragua is the largest cigar-producing country in the world - the Central American country is home to notable cigar brands. Rocky Patel, Placencia, Padron, My Father, and Oliva are some of the Nicaraguan cigar brands. - Cigar Country
The Dominican Republic is the home of some of the best cigars in the world and is also the largest cigar-producing nation. These cigars vary in flavor and strength. However, Dominican cigars are famous for the approachability of their mild but rich flavor. - Cigar Country
Honduras, the original “banana republic,” has been a tobacco source and cigar manufacturing region since at least 1765, when the Spanish crown established a royal tobacco trading post near Santa Rosa in Copan. This area is now a major coffee growing area, but tobacco and cigars are still an industry here. - Cigar Country
The charts bellow are small experiment, as Baserow doesn't support native charts (yet).
These charts are generated in a Google Sheets document, that I currently maintain manually. Originally, I tried to keep the Sheet updated with a SureTrigger-connection, but while the triggers seemed to work, it wasn't an elegant solution, and required to much corrections. In the end, it seems easier to just manually update the sheet once a month.
Hopefully, BaseRow will charts natively one day.
Below you'll find a map of locations where I smoked a cigar (at least once) - or at least the places I remember. It's manually maintained, and may not - and probably will not - be entirely up to date. It's also not a heat map, just a simple visual representation of locations I smoked a cigar. If and when BaseRow ever supports geolocations, I may provide an auto-updated map. I really hope to see heat maps one day.